Journal of Science Policy & Governance
Volume 25, Issue 01 | October 28, 2024
Policy Memo: State Drainage Laws Muddy the Goals of the US Clean Water Act (1972)
Poushalee Banerjee, Patrick D. Shirey
Corresponding author: [email protected], [email protected] |
Keywords: U.S. Clean Water Act; river dynamics; local drainage laws; agricultural impacts
Executive Summary
The U.S. Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972 to protect and restore America's waterbodies by regulating pollutant discharges from point sources such as industrial plants and sewer pipes. Over the years, Congress expanded the law to include non-point sources like polluted runoff from roads and agricultural areas. However, routine agriculture drainage maintenance activities, like continuously farmed wetlands and drainage ditch dredging, are exempted under the Clean Water Act. These exemptions allow sediment pollution to continue to be a major issue in agricultural streams and waterbodies managed by drainage districts.
We examine the shortcomings of the Clean Water Act to address sediment pollution from the perspective of routine agricultural activities like drainage maintenance and offer policy recommendations to mitigate its impacts. We discuss the exclusion of agricultural sediment as a major non-point pollution source under the Clean Water Act, the consequences of sediment pollution on aquatic ecosystems and stream water quality in agricultural streams, and the need for monitoring and regulation of sediment discharge from farming practices. In our analysis, we also consider the interaction between the state drainage laws and federal regulations. Finally, we seek to address gaps in the current regulatory structure and offer suggestions regarding better protection of water quality and ecosystem health in drainage districts.
We examine the shortcomings of the Clean Water Act to address sediment pollution from the perspective of routine agricultural activities like drainage maintenance and offer policy recommendations to mitigate its impacts. We discuss the exclusion of agricultural sediment as a major non-point pollution source under the Clean Water Act, the consequences of sediment pollution on aquatic ecosystems and stream water quality in agricultural streams, and the need for monitoring and regulation of sediment discharge from farming practices. In our analysis, we also consider the interaction between the state drainage laws and federal regulations. Finally, we seek to address gaps in the current regulatory structure and offer suggestions regarding better protection of water quality and ecosystem health in drainage districts.
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Poushalee Banerjee is a 2nd-year PhD student in the Department of Geology and Environmental Science at the University of Pittsburgh. She holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in Geography from Presidency University, Kolkata, India. She also completed a Master of Science degree in Geography and GIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is passionate about river science research and her interests include environmental policy, stream habitat restoration, invasive fisheries and GIS. After earning her PhD, Poushalee aims to pursue a career in research in academia or industry.
Dr. Patrick D. Shirey is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Studies Program within the Department of Geology and Environmental Science at the University of Pittsburgh. He is a Leonard Peters Faculty Fellow in Sustainability with the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation and serves on the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory’s Faculty Advisory Board as an Associate Director. As a Certified Ecologist (Ecological Society of America) and Certified Fisheries Professional (American Fisheries Society), Patrick conducts multidisciplinary research using techniques from his degrees in Biology (Ph.D.) from the University of Notre Dame, Wildlife Science (M.S.) from New Mexico State University, and law (J.D.) from The Pennsylvania State University’s Dickinson School of Law.
Dr. Patrick D. Shirey is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Studies Program within the Department of Geology and Environmental Science at the University of Pittsburgh. He is a Leonard Peters Faculty Fellow in Sustainability with the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation and serves on the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory’s Faculty Advisory Board as an Associate Director. As a Certified Ecologist (Ecological Society of America) and Certified Fisheries Professional (American Fisheries Society), Patrick conducts multidisciplinary research using techniques from his degrees in Biology (Ph.D.) from the University of Notre Dame, Wildlife Science (M.S.) from New Mexico State University, and law (J.D.) from The Pennsylvania State University’s Dickinson School of Law.
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