Policy Position Paper Competition First Place Winner
Policy Position Paper: Inclusive Science Policy and Economic Development in the 21st Century: The Case for Rural America
Andrew M. Crain
The University of Georgia Graduate School, Athens, GA Corresponding author: [email protected] |
Abstract: While many of the original recommendations of Vannevar Bush’s Science—The Endless Frontier report were implemented with great success in the twentieth century, the benefits of scientific innovation have not been fully realized in all corners of the United States. In particular, rural America persistently lags behind other locales in terms of scientific investment and economic development. In the coming decades, more place-conscious science policy will be needed to provide equal opportunities—and equal benefits—to all. This article highlights some of the current challenges relevant to science policy that are faced by rural America, with a specific emphasis on educational policy. The author offers recommendations for a more geographically inclusive science policy agenda and contends that rural equity should be a key priority for science policymakers in the United States.
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Andrew Crain, Ph.D. is the Director of Experiential Professional Development (xPD) in the University of Georgia Graduate School and a graduate of the Institute of Higher Education at UGA. Andrew’s research focuses on college access for rural students, STEM talent development, and experiential learning.
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