Journal of Science Policy & Governance
Volume 22, Issue 01 | March 6, 2023
Policy Memo: Protection of Dark-Sky Areas in the United States Through Development and Implementation of Warm-Light LED Fixtures
Jacob P. Willis
Corresponding author: [email protected] |
Keywords: light pollution; LED; dark-sky preservation
Executive Summary
The light-emitting-diode (LED) revolution has drastically decreased the quality of the United States’ night sky. LEDs are brighter than the sodium doublet lighting fixtures they are replacing, causing an increase in light pollution. Emerging technology promises to replace high-color-temperature LED lighting with lower-color-temperature lighting that reduces light pollution. High-color-temperature, or “cool-lighting” causes unnecessary amounts of light pollution that decreases humanity's connection with the cosmos through stargazing. Policy implementations can increase public awareness of how LEDs affect light pollution through research grants and tax incentive structures. The federal government can directly decrease the United States’ luminous footprint by funding research on warm-light LED development , regulating LED lighting on federal projects to only use low-color-temperature LED fixtures and offering incentives to communities to reduce their light pollution through the tax code.
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Jacob Willis is a cadet at the United States Military Academy in the Physics and Nuclear Engineering Department. Cadet Willis researches in the West Point observatory, characterizing the rotational period of asteroids, and developing statistical methods to determine auroral structure movements in the ionosphere. Outside of lab, Cadet Willis enjoys backpacking at national parks. He plans to pursue research in high-latitude ionospheric disturbances after completing his service as an army officer. Cadet Willis will commission as a Signal Officer in May of 2023.
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