Journal of Science Policy & Governance
Volume 24, Issue 01 | April 30, 2024
Policy Memo: Middle school-based interventions for childhood ADHD
Raisa Rahim1
Corresponding author: [email protected] |
Keywords: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; physical activity; virtual reality; special education
Executive Summary
Given that the United States has the highest prevalence rate of child attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the world, the author expands on the findings of Rahim (2023) that reviews recent evidence on the effectiveness of different interventions currently clinically and experimentally employed to alleviate pediatric ADHD symptoms. Results from the present analyses suggest several options; as the United States Congress considers policy pertinent to children’s education, incorporation of alternative ADHD treatment methods into middle school educational settings may be the catalyst to improve this population’s outcomes in STEM education in relation to their predominant symptoms.
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Raisa A. Rahim is a recent PhD recipient from University of California, Davis in Cognitive Neuroscience. She was a National Science Foundation graduate research fellow and is passionate about using effective science communication to advocate for integrating the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion into our systems. She is currently volunteering with the National Science Policy Network’s Science on the Ballot initiative.
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