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Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Kim Portness [email protected] Journal of Science Policy & Governance Andre Porter [email protected] Washington, DC (June 26, 2023) – The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) are proud to announce the release of Volume 22, Issue 02, the journal’s second Special Topics Issue of 2023, on Development Policy and Global Change Science to Achieve the Vision of Sustainable Americas. “We hope this special issue highlights the brand of inclusive and collaborative leadership being nurtured in Latin America and the Caribbean that will help articulate a vision of how our hemisphere can assume greater leadership in the international decision-making space and more forcefully articulate its priorities and needs. The recommendations and insights from the early-career authors published in this issue, as leaders and agents of change, should be shared with local, national and international organizations as positive examples of how to achieve a vision of a sustainable Americas,” said Marcos Regis Da Silva, Executive Director, Inter-American Institute for Global Change. In the 7 published articles, authors in this special issue of JSPG highlight several themes that include science diplomacy, sustainability, ocean pollution, youth centered climate solutions, public policy for plastic pollution regulation, and stakeholder engagement in the measurement and best practices necessary to ensure a sustainable supply chain for lithium electric vehicle batteries. Authors published in the Special Topics Issue will present in two hybrid panels during the Sustainability Research + Innovation 2023 conference in South Africa. On Monday, June 26, the panel will discuss how to foster dialogue on the mechanisms, barriers, and changes needed to strengthen youth voices from the Americas in global climate change fora and negotiations. On Friday, June 30, the panel will describe policy research published in this special issue, facilitate broader conversations around development policy and global change science, and build the next generation of policy leaders. “As the science policy and diplomacy landscape is becoming increasingly international in a number of areas, including the climate and the environmental space, is it imperative to include a variety of perspectives from the next generation in decision-making towards ensuring a better future,” said Adriana Bankston, JSPG CEO & Managing Publisher. “JSPG is proud to partner with Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research on this special issue and to showcase early career views in developing policies to achieve the vision of sustainable Americas.” This Special Issue is supported in-kind by outreach partners from the Belmont Forum and SRI Congress. ### About JSPG
The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) is an international, open access peer-reviewed publication managed by and for students, policy fellows, and young scholars in science, technology, and innovation policy. JSPG publishes high-quality articles covering the widest range of topics in formats that are accessible to policymakers. Since 2011, JSPG has served as a vehicle for students and early career researchers to bolster their research and writing credentials in science policy. Visit and follow on Twitter @SciPolJournal to learn more. About IAI The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), an intergovernmental organization with 19 Parties in the Americas, promotes transdisciplinary research and the enhancement of capacities to improve public awareness and provide information to governments for the development of public policy relevant to global environmental change, based on scientific excellence, international and intersectoral cooperation, and the open exchange of knowledge. Visit and follow on Twitter @IAI_news to learn more. About the Belmont Forum Established in 2009, the Belmont Forum is a partnership of funding organizations, international science councils, and regional consortia committed to the advancement of transdisciplinary, societally relevant, research. Forum operations are guided by the Belmont Challenge, a vision document that encourages international transdisciplinary research providing knowledge for understanding, mitigating and adapting to global environmental change. Forum members and partner organizations work collaboratively to meet this Challenge by issuing international calls for proposals, committing to best practices for open data access, and providing transdisciplinary training. Since its establishment, the Forum has successfully led 19 calls for proposals, supporting 134 projects and more than 1,000 scientists and stakeholders, representing over 90 countries. Visit and follow on Twitter @Belmont_Forum to learn more. About SRI The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI) is a transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – a space of dynamic advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration, and action. A collaboration of the Belmont Forum and Future Earth, SRI is a unique opportunity for diverse audiences to connect with the global sustainability community, learn and contribute to the latest sustainability science, create novel networks and partnerships, explore new ideas, gain visibility, inspire, and be inspired. SRI2023 will be co-hosted by the Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Inovación (SENACYT) and the IAI in Panama City, Panama. Visit and follow on Twitter @SRICongress to learn more. Comments are closed.
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