JSPG CEO Statement in Support of the Movement Against Racial Injustice in STEM and in Society6/10/2020
By Shalin R. Jyotishi
Today on June 10th, JSPG will join many in the science community to observe #ShutDownSTEM* in peaceful solidarity to achieve a more diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist society.
Dear colleagues,
The protests we see in the United States and around the world have precipitated out of great tragedy but underline the opportunity for us to listen to suppressed voices, including in academia and in STEM. On social media, we see discussions from #BlackandSTEM and #BlackintheIvory illustrating that racism is still pervasive in the academy, where many African Americans and Black people across the globe have been excluded, harassed, and even killed. We barely scratch the surface when we honor the lives and the suffering of Henrietta Lacks, Anarcha Westcott, and Minnie Lee and Mary Alice Relf. Their lives and the lives of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many more, matter. Over our 10-year history, many emerging scholars and professionals of science and technology policy have published pieces in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance (JSPG) that address diversity and inclusion. A few examples include pieces addressing racial bias in artificial intelligence technology (1, 2), and increasing diversity in clinical trials and the STEM workforce (1, 2). Just this month, in partnership with the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, we released a special topics issue addressing the "Impacts of Emerging Technology on Inequality and Sustainability" to help elevate the voices of early career researchers in this important dialogue. We have not done enough. We will continue to explore ways to empower more students and early career researchers to develop innovative policy and governance solutions for a more equitable and anti-racist future. But today, we will play our part during this trying time. As an organization dedicated to empowering the next generation of science and technology policy leaders who will help shape our collective future, today on June 10th, JSPG will join many in the science and public policy community to observe #ShutDownSTEM* in solidarity with the movement. Whether you live in the United States or elsewhere in the world, I invite you to join us today to uplift voices unheard and support the movement towards a more just, inclusive, equitable, and empathetic society. All my best, Shalin R. Jyotishi Chief Executive Officer Journal of Science Policy & Governance, Inc
*According to the organizers, "#ShutDownSTEM is aimed at the broad research community who is not directly participating in ending the global pandemic, COVID-19."
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