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GHFutures2030 Whitney Gray [email protected] (+41) 22 908 4544 Journal of Science Policy & Governance André Porter [email protected] (202) 730-9502 WASHINGTON, DC (April 7, 2022) - The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) and The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world (GHFutures2030) are pleased to announce a call for papers and competition focused on Strengthening Youth-centered Policy and Governance of Digital Transformations in Health. Students, post-doctoral researchers, policy fellows, early career researchers and young professionals from around the world are invited to submit policy briefs, policy analyses, position papers, technology assessments and other articles addressing bold and innovative policy ideas for governing health futures in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving Health For All. Submission deadline: August 21, 2022. "Working alongside youth in co-creating futures that improve the health and wellbeing of the next generation is a central tenet of The Lancet and Financial Times Commission report on Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world (GHFutures2030). We are eager to see how this partnership with JSPG develops into a Special Issue that can provide space for young people to improve their research, writing, and policy publishing in the field of digital transformations in health," said Dr. Anurag Agrawal and Prof. Ilona Kickbusch, co-chairs of the GHFutures2030 Commission. In its October 2021 report, The Lancet and Financial Times Commission argued that governance of digital transformations must be grounded in 'Health For All' values and focused on harnessing data and digital technologies to tackle global health challenges and improve equitable health outcomes. For children and young people to truly have agency with respect to digital technologies and approaches for which they are the intended end-users or beneficiaries, they need to be enfranchised and empowered to participate – beyond just being loosely engaged – in every step of the way from research to implementation. "Early career voices are critical to the future of our society, in particular as it relates to designing global health systems for the benefit of all. Through this Special Issue in partnership with the GHFutures2030 Commission, JSPG is thrilled to highlight and elevate innovative policy and governance approaches to future health systems from students and early career trainees around the world. We look forward to publishing bold ideas from the next generation at the convergence of digital health, artificial intelligence, and universal health coverage for children and young people worldwide,” said Dr. Adriana Bankston, JSPG CEO and Managing Publisher. Accepted articles will be entered into a policy paper competition following peer review. A committee of experts in digital health policies, including the GHFutures2030 Commissioners and Secretariat members, will select the top three winning articles. First, second and third place article winners will have the opportunity to present at a global digital health event in 2023 and be interviewed on GHFutures2030 Voices of Digital Health podcast. Leading up to the submission deadline, JSPG and the GHFutures2030 Commission will organize a series of training sessions to provide prospective authors with opportunities to practice policy writing, and to inspire and empower them with expert perspectives on digital health policies to inform their submissions to the Special Issue. ###
About JSPG The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) is an international, open access peer-reviewed publication managed by and for students, policy fellows, and young scholars in science, technology, and innovation policy. JSPG publishes high-quality articles covering the widest range of topics in formats that are accessible to policymakers. Since 2011, JSPG has served as a vehicle for students and early career researchers to bolster their research and writing credentials in science policy. Visit and follow on Twitter @SciPolJournal to learn more. About GHFutures2030 Commission The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world was established in October 2019 to deliver a clear set of recommendations on the governance of digital health, artificial intelligence, and universal health coverage. The Commission report was published in October 2021. It calls for a radical rethink on harnessing the power of digital technologies for our future health and sets out a new approach to digital transformations that promote equitable, affordable and universal improvements to health. The Commission is comprised of nineteen Commissioners representing a wide range of sectors, expertise, and backgrounds. The Commission is supported by the Secretariat which is hosted at the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland. Visit and follow on Twitter @GHFutures2030 to learn more. Comments are closed.
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