Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Kim Portness [email protected] Journal of Science Policy & Governance André Porter [email protected] WASHINGTON, DC (September 19, 2022) - The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) are pleased to announce a call for papers and competition to provide nations of the Americas with tools and institutional capacities to better face Global Environmental Change (GEC) challenges. This call for papers is focused on international collaboration and the exchange of scientific information and knowledge relevant to Development Policy and Global Change Science to Achieve the Vision of Sustainable Americas. Students, post-doctoral researchers, policy fellows, early career researchers and young professionals from around the world are invited to submit policy briefs, policy analyses and position papers, technology assessments and other articles addressing bold and innovative policy and diplomacy ideas for tackling complex societal problems around GEC that have become increasingly transboundary in nature. Submission deadline: January 22, 2023. This Special Issue is supported in-kind by outreach partners from the Belmont Forum and SRI Congress. “The traditional governance framework for science to policy is under tremendous strain. There are over 900 multilateral and over 1500 bilateral treaties and other international agreements dealing with environmental issues. This fragmentation creates conflicting decisions under different multilateral instruments, duplication of efforts and competition for limited funds. In the face of urgent global change issues we need to invest more in collaboration and synergies,” said Marcos Regis da Silva, Executive Director for the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). “The transdisciplinary approach outlined in the agreement that created the IAI 30 years ago is revolutionary. A regional approach is needed to meet the challenges of complex multinational problems and build systems and institutions that encourage scientific excellence, open data, and the true, equitable, and inclusive participation of all stakeholders in the co-production of knowledge. The next generation of science and policy leaders have new ideas and need an Inter-American platform to amplify their voices and cultivate skills to support effective regional solutions.” Challenges posed by GEC are complex and require a transdisciplinary approach which involves the co-design and co-production of research with a diverse coalition of stakeholders including scientists, government decision-makers and civil society actors working together towards sustainable solutions. This includes working at the science policy and diplomacy interface, as many of these challenges are transboundary, regional or global, and require partnerships within and between countries, as no single nation has the capabilities nor the resources to solve these global problems alone. “Solving Global Environmental Change (GEC) challenges requires a full and open exchange of scientific information, and necessitates a multistakeholder community dedicated to addressing these issues,” said Adriana Bankston, JSPG CEO and Managing Publisher. “JSPG is thrilled to partner with the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) on this call for papers to showcase early career voices in addressing global science policy and diplomacy challenges, and to continue expanding the journal’s reach across the Americas.” Accepted articles will be entered into a policy paper competition, where a committee of experts in the science policy-diplomacy interface of global environmental change will select the top three articles. First, second and third place article winners will have the opportunity to present published work at the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress in Republic of Panama in June 2023. Leading up to the submission deadline, JSPG and IAI will organize a series of training sessions to provide prospective authors with opportunities to practice policy writing, and to inspire and empower them with expert perspectives on science-policy communication to inform their submissions to the Special Issue. ### About JSPG
The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) is an international, open access peer-reviewed publication managed by and for students, policy fellows, and young scholars in science, technology, and innovation policy. JSPG publishes high-quality articles covering the widest range of topics in formats that are accessible to policymakers. Since 2011, JSPG has served as a vehicle for students and early career researchers to bolster their research and writing credentials in science policy. Visit and follow on Twitter @SciPolJournal to learn more. About IAI The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), an intergovernmental organization with 19 Parties in the Americas, promotes transdisciplinary research and the enhancement of capacities to improve public awareness and provide information to governments for the development of public policy relevant to global environmental change, based on scientific excellence, international and intersectoral cooperation, and the open exchange of knowledge. Visit and follow on Twitter @IAI_news to learn more. About the Belmont Forum Established in 2009, the Belmont Forum is a partnership of funding organizations, international science councils, and regional consortia committed to the advancement of transdisciplinary, societally relevant, research. Forum operations are guided by the Belmont Challenge, a vision document that encourages international transdisciplinary research providing knowledge for understanding, mitigating and adapting to global environmental change. Forum members and partner organizations work collaboratively to meet this Challenge by issuing international calls for proposals, committing to best practices for open data access, and providing transdisciplinary training. Since its establishment, the Forum has successfully led 19 calls for proposals, supporting 134 projects and more than 1,000 scientists and stakeholders, representing over 90 countries. Visit and follow on Twitter @Belmont_Forum to learn more. About SRI The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI) is a transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – a space of dynamic advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration, and action. A collaboration of the Belmont Forum and Future Earth, SRI is a unique opportunity for diverse audiences to connect with the global sustainability community, learn and contribute to the latest sustainability science, create novel networks and partnerships, explore new ideas, gain visibility, inspire, and be inspired. SRI2023 will be co-hosted by the Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Inovación (SENACYT) and the IAI in Panama City, Panama. Visit and follow on Twitter @SRICongress to learn more. Comments are closed.
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