JSPG CEO speaks at NASEM Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust Meeting2/12/2022
Washington, DC (February 12, 2022) – JSPG CEO Dr. Adriana Bankston participated as a panelist in The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust Meeting held earlier this week, alongside Dr. Travis York (AAAS) and Dr. Brandy Huderson (UDC & New Voices member). The panel was moderated by Dr. Marcia McNutt, president of the National Academy of Sciences & JSPG Advisory Board member. View the panel discussion here. Panelists discussed ideas to improve the early career research experience and provided insights into how the Strategic Council may be able to assist. The Strategic Council, co-chaired by Dr. David B. Allison, Dr. France Cordova and Dr. Marcia McNutt, serves as a venue for multiple stakeholders to advance collectively the integrity, ethics, resilience, and effectiveness of the research enterprise while at the same time preparing it for tomorrow's challenges. Learn more about the Strategic Council. ### About JSPG
The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) is an international, open access peer-reviewed publication managed by and for students, policy fellows, and young scholars in science, technology, and innovation policy. JSPG publishes high-quality articles covering the widest range of topics in formats that are accessible to policymakers. Since 2011, JSPG has served as a vehicle for students and early career researchers to bolster their research and writing credentials in science policy. Visit sciencepolicyjournal.org and follow on Twitter @SciPolJournal to learn more. Comments are closed.
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