SEASON 2 | EPISODE 2: Mental Health Policies: Improving Access & Education - SCIPOL SOUNDBITES12/15/2020
Welcome to Episode 2, Season 2 of SciPol SoundBites, the podcast of the Journal of Science Policy & Governance!
Today, we continue with episodes from the joint issue between Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) and National Science Policy Network (NSPN), resulting from the 2020 policy memo competition. The authors we are interviewing today are discussing important policy topics related to healthcare and schools at the state level. In this episode, Thomas Pospiech (LinkedIn) and Agnes M. Varghese (Twitter and LinkedIn) describe their policy memos published in JSPG Special Issue: 2020 Policy Memo Competition, produced in collaboration with the National Science Policy Network (NSPN). Read the articles on the JSPG website: (1) Medical Necessity Standards for Mental Health Parity in California (2) Beyond Gun Control: Implementing Mental Health Interventions for the School Shooting Crisis in California. Learn more about NSPN. SciPol SoundBites is a podcast of the Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG), providing authors with a new medium to share more about their publication and reach an extended audience in science policy. Podcast host: Adriana Bankston is JSPG’s Chief Outreach Officer. Adriana promotes JSPG as a publication outlet and professional development opportunity for early career researchers in science policy. She organizes outreach events, and seeks out opportunities to highlight the organization, authors, and published work. Learn more, get in touch, and connect with Adriana:
DISCLAIMER: The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed or provided in this recording (including those by staff or board members) are not necessarily those of the Journal of Science Policy & Governance, Inc. (JSPG), and may not be current. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by JSPG. If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact [email protected].
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Scipol soundbitesWelcome to the official podcast of the Journal of Science Policy & Governance. Archives
October 2022